A Vote could be linked to an agenda item with supporting documents, to ensure the board directors are well prepared to cast a vote. You can link an existing vote topic to the agenda item or create one with the Agenda builder.
To begin creating the agenda, go to Menu > Select a space > Meeting Meetings > Select a meeting > Agenda Tab
Click the +Agenda Item on the upper right or the Pen icon for the existing agenda item.
Add an existing Vote to Agenda Item
On the Linked Votes section, choose a topic from the dropdown.
Click Save to save your data.
Create a Vote with Agenda Builder
1) Full Setup
Create a new Vote from scratch by populating details
Click Save to save your data.
2) Quick Create
Automatically create a topic to vote based on the detail of the agenda item and meeting attendees will be added as the Voters.
Click Save to save your data.