1. Go to the Files tab of a meeting

  2. Select file(s) to upload button on the right.

  3. In Step 1, choose one or more files to upload. 

    By default, the files are uploaded as new with original filenames. You can edit the File Display Name to replace the original filename; or click Select an existing file to update the version of a previously uploaded file.

  4. Scroll down to Step 2 to set file permission for attendees:
    • Joint Owner - Full permissions of the file, user can clear all annotations, edit file permissions and delete the file. The joint owner must be a Space Manager to have this permission.
    • Read only - allow to view in Board Pack. If attendees should not see such file, do not check their names.
    • Read, Annotate - allow to view in Board Pack and to make annotations.
    • Read, Annotate, Download - in addition to viewing and annotating, user can also download a soft copy in PDF for offline use.
    • Manage (Read, Annotate, Download, Versioning) - in addition to all the above permissions, user with access to the Files tab of a meeting (e.g. Space Manager) can upload new versions of the file.

  5. Click Upload on the bottom right to start uploading. Note:
    • If a single file is uploaded, it will be processed immediately and show up in Files.
    • If multiple files are uploaded, they will be added to the queue for processing. You can check the status in Processing Files or Notifications.