This article is a step-by-step guide on how to get Boardlogic system up and running for your board. Follow the links to different articles on how to perform these actions.

1. Gather basic information

The following information is necessary for creating user accounts and groups so that users have access to information they are granted access for:

  • Email address of all users, including administrator
  • Name of committees and groups and their members

2. Mirror your board structure with Spaces

Spaces are created to segregate information between groups of users. Create a Space for every committee or group. Follow this guide to create Spaces. Read this to understand the hierarchy in the system.

3. Create user accounts

Invite your team onboard by creating user accounts. Users will receive emails with link to activate accounts.

4. Add user to Space

Every user is assigned a default Space when account was created. If users belong to multiple committees, add them to other Spaces. You will also specify their roles so they have access to certain functions within the Space.

5. Familiarise yourself with digital board portal

Practice organising meetings with Boardlogic by creating meetings and board packs with sample documents or past meeting information.

Forward the links to directors to read about the basics such as Dashboard and where to find the board packs.