Digital signature is a type of e-signature created in the form of certificate-based identity. When a signer electronically signs a document, the signature is created using the signer’s private key, which is always securely kept by the signer. 


Depending on the laws regarding electronic signatures jurisdiction, digital signatures have the same legal binding as handwritten ones if you apply a digital signing certificate issued by a recognised certification authority.


Preparation before applying your signature

If this is your first time applying a digital signature, you need to first upload a digital certificate to the platform. For steps on how to upload and create a certificate, you may refer to another help article Uploading Your Signing Certificate for Digital Signatures

Checking your pending digital signature request

If there is any signature request requiring your attention, you are notified on the right-hand side of the dashboard under Pending Actions;


or Inbox (the bell icon) on top right.

Click to view more details

Click on Digital Signature

After clicking on the request, you will be redirected to a launcher showing you the document. Click Sign to start the process.

Enter the password of your signing certificate to Proceed:


Upon successful verification, the document is associated with your signature and change to Completed status.